Category Archives: Washington

Project 52: Week 14

I think I jinxed it!  Spring stuck around for a few days and then the rain came back…and some more hail.  Nothing like a little April shower in the Pacific Northwest ;-)

Even so, the flowers are blooming and the sun has chanced to come out a few times – making me all the more grateful for it!

à bientôt! (See you soon!)


All Images Copyright © 2013 Marijane Rushing

Project 52: Week 13 – Spring is here!

Finally!  Spring has decided to show us she’s here!!  It has been beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest this past week :)  The sun has been shining – mostly – and the flowers are blooming.  The cherry blossoms have started popping up everywhere…of course the blooms are better in person but here is my pic of the week.  I hope you are as enchanted as I am!

à bientôt! (See you soon!)


Cherry Blossoms

All Images Copyright © 2013 Marijane Rushing



Project 52: Week 12 – Diablo!

My niece and I took a drive into the North Cascades National Park this past weekend – it was breathtaking!  The peaks, the trees, the waterfalls – so much to see I had Photographer-ADD.  Though I’m sure this wasn’t the first time that’s happened ;-)  I wanted to see everything, capture everything, and do it all while the sun was shining. It was a beautiful day – even though there was fresh snow on the mountain tops, it felt like it was finally spring!

The Cascades Highway curves along the river from the fields up into the mountains above the lakes.  We stopped many times to check out the views. Diablo Lake was amazing with the snow capped peaks reflected in the water.  I have hundreds of photographs to download and sift through now – I’m excited to relive the adventure :-)  Here are a few captured with my phone…gives you a quick taste of the day and hopefully inspires you to go for a drive!

à bientôt! (See you soon!)


All Images Copyright © 2013 Marijane Rushing


Project 52: Week 11

Hey!  The Pacific Northwest lives up to the hype – a bit of rain or hail each day over the past week. But when the sun does come out, its all the more appreciated!

à bientôt! (See you soon!)


All Images Copyright © 2013 Marijane Rushing

Project 52: Week 10

Hey all!  I drove up to the Seattle area on Saturday – LONG day, LONG drive!  But the sky was blue, the recent snowfall in the pass had been plowed from the road and I made it safely ;-)

Over the next few weeks, I’m looking forward to taking more pictures of this beautiful area!  Maybe even venture across the border into Canada…So much to see, so little time!

If you were here, what would you NEED to see before you left? Even though I’ve been here many times before, I’m open to suggestions ;-)

à bientôt! (See you soon!)


Through the Pass

All Images Copyright © 2013 Marijane Rushing

Washington ~ June 2012

My first long trip of the summer was a visit to Washington State. From scrub brush in the southeast to ever-green in the northwest – a beautiful place! It rained nearly the entire time but I enjoyed the trip just the same ;-) Here are two pretty stops on this journey…

Westport Light State Park is along an amazing stretch of beach where shells and sand dollars are everywhere – collections were enhanced from the last visit.

Westport Light State Park, WA

Snoqualmie Falls is a wonderful sight and I usually visit the park each year. This trip I enjoyed it from a different perspective. We took the train along the opposite side of the river and perched above the base of the falls for a few minutes. It was raining but that didn’t matter – it was amazing anyway!

Above the base of Snoqualmie Falls - from the Northwest/Snoqualmie train

à bientôt! (See you soon!)